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Introducing the CPAPstore.eu Loyalty Program
A Token of Appreciation for Our Loyal Customers
We are thrilled to unveil our highly-anticipated Loyalty Program, specially designed to show our heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support. Thank you for being valued patrons of CPAPstore.eu.
Upon reaching the cart page and logging into your account, your available credit will be displayed for your convenience. Our system will allow you to apply these points(by pressing the APPLY) to the items in your cart, making your shopping experience seamless.
However, please note that points cannot be used to offset your shipping costs.
Certainly! If you made an order without registering or logging in, but you’d like to receive your loyalty points, please get in touch with us. Simply provide your Order Number and the email address you’ve now registered with, and we will be more than happy to assist you in manually adding the points to your account. Your satisfaction is important to us, and we’re here to make sure you get the rewards you deserve.
Your loyalty points will be automatically credited to your online account once your order is confirmed, making them available for use on your next order. However, please remember that to redeem these points, you must be registered and logged in to your account. This ensures a seamless and rewarding shopping experience for you.